Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just found out all my eggs are in one basket. again. The other six did not progress and were not viable to freeze. So this is definitely it. IT. It's scary to know that in five days my journey will be decided. We will either be pregnant and then worrying about everything that entails, or not, and being sad about what that entails. I admit it's almost a relief to be so cut and dry. Many of us just want SOMETHING to happen. IF treatments put us all on a holding pattern of waiting. Like the longest damn line at Disneyland..... but you stand there in the heat, waiting, just hoping the ride lives up to expectation. I'm getting on the teacups in five days~

On a funny note, I dreamt last night that Vince Vaughn and I were having two girls and a boy. Don't ask me why Vince. I mean, he makes me laugh and laugh (shared sarcasmic sense), but other then that he's not my usual dream date. It was wierd. I was totally tired this morning like the dream made my brain work too hard and I didn't get any rest. I also dreamt I was with my cousing, Kim, and we were going camping. But it was really late at night and we were fighting because she wanted to leave then and I wanted to wait until the morning. Then my husband told us both we were stupid because what good is camping when you're pregnant and not allowed to go hiking, anyway?? That's about when Vince showed up and he had a HUGE RV so I could still go camping but be uber comfy.
I do note the realities: my in-laws are currently RVing across the country in a beautiful home on wheels, my hubby and I are going to Sedona next weekend (and always go hiking), and there were three embies implanted. Maybe the dreams were a hodge podge of mental junk. Who knows.

Anyway, hope everyone is well. Not sure how much more I'll have to write about before Monday, but you never know. I haven't commented much on my work and there's a well of stories waiting to be told there..................


wzgirl said...

Whoa, loads of pg energy tangling up your thoughts & dreams. I wish you the very best at the end of this looong 5 days.

Hoping For A Baby said...

Wow, so much fertile energy! Two girls and a boy with Vince Vaughn... can't get better than that :)

lola said...

I have my fingers crossed for you!

Hopeful Mother said...

I hope your wait is over soon!