I am sooooo far behind, so here's the short version.
Alize moved in on Thursday, 7-2. Hubby was off that Friday so it seemed like a good plan to have three days with him home for the long nights we were preparing ourselves for. We'd been having her over twice a week (all day) but had not done an overnight. At the time, she was subscribing to some 'bad' habits (personal opinion here) of falling asleep whenever she wanted, while watching TV, in a bed with her brother or foster mom. At our house, bed time is 7:30, no TV, and you're in your room. Alone.
I bought her a fish to provide a night light and some sleepy time entertainment. Maybe not as interesting as a cartoon, but it's all I've got.
She seemed to get it a little bit, but we weren't sure (and still aren't) if she realized she was moving in forever and ever and ever.
We held our breath the first night, waiting for the whining and screaming and I Want To Go Home-ing to start, and then turned blue because nothing happened.
Nothing. Not then, not since. No issues sleeping, hasn't mentioned her previous foster mom, brother ~ nothing.
New scary-ness coming over us. Too easy. Too simple. Too abnormal not to have some level of separation anxiety from the brother you've always lived with and the foster mom you've been with for more then a year.
Needless to say, I've arranged to meet with a bonding specialist to try and get a handle on all of this.
The one that seems to have the most difficulty is, in fact, ME.
I am overwhelmed by the constant questions, the why why why why and repetitive 'where's daddy? what's that? what cho doin? You no sooner answer then she asks again. and again. and again.
I don't know if this is entirely normal, but I can tell you it's annoying as hell. I am missing my quiet time with Alex, being able to engage when I want to and allow him to quietly play other times. I seem to have no down time except for the 1 1/2 hour nap they take, and that flies by.
I am mentally exhausted. And it's only week 1.
Add to this fun my husband is leaving town TOMORROW for five day, then home for the weekend, then gone for another 4 days.
I know I'll manage, but it's a daunting thought, knowing I'm flying solo so soon for so long.
Feel free to send me your leftover prescription medications.
And here's what we're doing it for........................................

I am going to try and keep this up better, if only to post pictures and not much else (who has time???).
I hope everyone is well!
And I wasn't necessarily joking about the meds.