These are a few of the only pics I was able to get of his front.... he was usually walking away from me!
Now he's running around with his little chicken arms up! His favorite thing is climbing the stairs, but he doesn't know how to get down so there's a gate in his way most of the time. Mean mommy!
We just had his first birthday party last weekend. It was several weeks past the actual date but I needed more time since the holidays...
Did I mention we had a Christmas party 2 weeks before the holiday, then all our family here for Christmas (many staying), and his actual party would've been right after that?? I barely got all the decorations down giving myself an extra week!
The party was fun but alas, we discovered the babe has a cake phobia. When presented with the cake to demolish to his little heart's content, he proceeded to scream and break into a crying fit whilst trying to get away (which he couldn't since he was in the high chair). It was so so sad... and strange! I thought he might have been tired and freaked out by all the people (about 25), so we tried again the following night ~ same strange results. Not one to give up easily, I tried yet again the next day, this time with a piece of the cake and sitting on the floor. Not the same level of fear displayed, but he walked around me not trusting that little piece of evil cake. I offered him a bite, which he took, then proceeded to toss on the floor and then ran away.
The party had a car theme and here's the bigger cake I made for everyone else. It is actually 4 (yes FOUR) cakes put together. A bit excessive, but oh well.

Not much else going on except the very bad news the boy's PGM has requested a home study, reporting she wants baby boy and his sister. Hubs and I have found we are at the end of our heartstrings and will not be able to continue fostering if baby boy leaves. We may look into private adoption, we may call it a sign and give up on children completely (this is actually me and not him). We'll see how it works out. I am trying desperately not to think about it too much or I'll drive myself mad. But if you want to think about it and wish/pray/whatever your juju thing is that PGM is not suitable I wouldn't ask you not to~